Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream is one of the strange dreams that makes you worry and try to search for its meaning, and the meaning of seeing geckos on the body varies according to the state of the dreamer, and the meaning of the vision varies according to the other details that appear in the dream, and we will explain below through all the indications of Seeing geckos in a dream in detail below.

Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream

Gecko is considered one of the annoying crawling insects, and many jurists have said that the gecko is one of the insects that breathed into the fire that was thrown by the Prophet of God Ibrahim, peace be upon him. Health problems if it is blown into the food that a person eats, and therefore whoever kills him will receive 40 good deeds.

  • Interpretation scholars believe that seeing a gecko in a dream is one of the bad dreams, as the gizzard symbolizes the enemy who is trying to cause harm and harm to the dreamer.
  • Seeing geckos in a dream is one of the dreams that indicate that the dreamer commits sins and disobedience, turns away from the path of righteousness and neglects the performance of prayers and worship.
  • Seeing geckos in a dream indicates injury or damage, and the greater the size of the gizzard in a dream, the greater the damage to the dreamer.
  • Seeing geckos on the body denotes envy, witchcraft, or disease that afflicts the dreamer.
  • When a person sees that geckos are on the body, and some of it rises, the vision indicates severe harm from one of the enemies.
  • When a married woman sees a dream of a gecko standing on her body, the dream indicates that someone is planning to harm her, and if she suffers from some problems and marital disputes, seeing the gagging on the body indicates that her husband will cause her great psychological harm.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream for single women

Interpretation scholars believe that seeing geckos in a dream for single women indicates many connotations and meanings as follows:

  • When a single girl sees a gecko in a dream, the dream indicates that there is a person in her life who is trying to appear in the image of a friend, but in fact he is an enemy who harbors evil for her and is trying to perform her.
  • Seeing geckos on the body indicates that this girl is in a relationship with a person of bad character and that her relationship with him will not bring any good for her, and she must stay away from him.
  • If a single girl sees a dream of geckos or lepers, then the dream indicates the presence of people close to her who harbor enmity and evil for her, envy and grudge against her, and may even manage magic for her.
  • Seeing leprosy or geckos on the body is a warning dream that indicates the presence of an enemy that is very close to her, and is managing harm and damage, and therefore she must be very careful in her emotional relationships.
  • Seeing geckos on the body indicates the harm that those close to her are trying to cause her.
  • If a single betrothed girl sees that the gecko is standing on her body, then the dream may indicate that she is in a relationship with a young man of bad manners, and the dream also indicates that her fiancé is not a good husband, but rather he is trying to deceive her and take advantage of her confidence. .
  • Seeing a goose biting me is a bad dream, as it indicates the success of a close enemy in harming this girl, and it may also indicate that she was robbed by a thief.
  • A vision of killing a gecko indicates that this girl will succeed in getting rid of evil and will survive the machinations of her enemies, and the vision also promises her that she will triumph over her enemies.
  • Seeing geckos on the body also indicates envy, magic, backbiting and gossip, and may indicate a serious illness.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream for a married woman

Seeing geckos on the body in a dream for a married woman is very similar to seeing geckos in a dream of a single girl in some respects, but it differs in other respects as follows:

  • Seeing geckos in a dream for a married woman indicates that she suffers from many problems, disagreements and worries in her married life.
  • Seeing geckos on the body is one of the warning dreams of a married woman, as it indicates the presence of enemies from those close to her who want to harm her, and this enemy may be the husband himself.
  • If a married woman sees that she is killing or trampling the gecko under her feet, then the dream indicates her success in getting rid of the worries, disputes and difficulties that she faces in her life, as well as heralds her with good and abundant sustenance on the way to her.
  • When a married woman sees gizzard inside the house, the dream indicates that someone is managing her problems and disagreements with her husband, as he is one of the poisonous creepers that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, warned us against.
  • Seeing a small gecko indicates the small harm that befalls a married woman, and perhaps the presence of harm or envy that befalls one of her children.
  • Seeing killing a goose is a good dream that indicates success in getting rid of worries and disagreements, and it also indicates victory over enemies and the goodness of this woman’s condition with her husband.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream for a pregnant woman

Seeing geckos for a pregnant woman indicates many indications as follows:

  • Seeing geckos in a dream for a pregnant woman may indicate her feeling of anxiety and tension with the approach of childbirth, and in this case, the dream is just a self-talk, as the vision indicates feelings of tension, anxiety and disturbances that she feels about childbirth.
  • Seeing a pregnant woman’s weight on the body of a pregnant woman indicates that she is subjected to envy and hatred from one of those close to her, and the vision may indicate that she will be exposed to some health problems during childbirth.
  • Seeing the killing of geckos in a dream for a pregnant woman indicates the approaching childbirth and getting rid of the anxiety, tension and worries that she feels with the approaching date of birth, and also indicates that God will provide her with a healthy and healthy child.
  • Seeing geckos in a dream for a pregnant woman may indicate health problems that you may encounter during childbirth or the fetus will be exposed.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream for a divorced woman

Seeing the weight of a divorced woman is one of the bad dreams that cause her to feel anxious and nervous, and we will explain all the implications of this vision as follows:

  • When a divorced woman sees a dream about geckos, the dream indicates the presence of a malevolent or envious person in her life, who is trying to plot plots in order to harm and harm her.
  • If a divorced woman sees a dream about gagging, then the dream may be within the self-talk, as it indicates that she has gone through a difficult period of marital concerns and disputes, which makes her feel psychological disturbances, anxiety and tension that haunt her.
  • If a divorced woman sees that the weight is getting off some, then the dream indicates that her ex-husband may succeed in harming her, or that he will take some of her legitimate rights.
  • Seeing a gizzard chasing me in a dream for a divorced woman indicates that this woman suffers from a lot of worries and disagreements in her past life, which are still chasing her and causing her stress, anxiety and the inability to continue her life normally.
  • When a divorced woman sees that she is killing geckos in a dream, the dream heralds her getting rid of the worries and troubles she suffers from, and the approaching victory over her enemies.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream for a man

The weight of the man indicates a lot of connotations and meanings, and we will present them in detail as follows:

  • When a man sees a dream about geckos, the dream has passed indicating the presence of an enemy close to him, who appears in the form of a friend, but in reality he harbors malice, malice and hatred, and he desires to cause harm and harm to this man.
  • Seeing geckos on the body is a dream that indicates many indications, as it indicates envy or witchcraft from one of those close to him.
  • Seeing geckos on the body of a man indicates that he is committing some sins and taboos in reality, and may indicate that he is earning some money from forbidden ways, and the vision may indicate that there is an unhealthy emotional relationship in the life of the visionary.
  • When a man sees an animal of geckos standing on his body, the dream may indicate the presence of a woman of bad manners in the life of this person, and the vision may indicate that the wife is unfit, if he sees the gecko sleeping in bed.
  • When a person sees geckos biting him in a dream, the dream indicates great harm from one of the enemies, and it may also indicate witchcraft or extreme envy.
  • A man’s vision that he is killing geckos indicates success in overcoming the difficulties and problems he faces, and the dream also indicates victory over enemies or the death of one of the enemies.
  • When a man sees that he is cutting off the tail of the gecko, the dream indicates repentance for sins and transgressions, and may refer to staying away from bad people.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream for a single young man

When a single young man sees a gizzard in a dream, the dream indicates some of the following signs:

  • When a single young man sees a gecko standing on his body, the vision indicates that he is in a relationship with a girl of bad character and reputation.
  • When a single young man sees a dream of a gecko standing on the body, and he was engaged in an engagement relationship with one of the girls, the dream indicates that this fiancée is not the good wife, but rather a deceitful and notorious girl.
  • Seeing the gecko of a single young man indicates the presence of an enemy in his life, perhaps a relative or a friend, and he must warn well of those around him.
  • Seeing a young man chasing a gizzard may indicate some fears and psychological disturbances that he feels in the face of life’s difficulties.
  • When a young man sees a dream about a gecko biting him, the dream indicates that there is an enemy, who succeeds in causing harm and harm to the dreamer.
  • Seeing killing a goose is a good dream that indicates victory over enemies and getting rid of obstacles and difficulties that hinder him from achieving his goals and ambitions.

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Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body of Ibn Sirin

Ibn Sirin believes that the dream of geckos on the body suggests many connotations and symbols, as follows:

  • Ibn Sirin believes that gizzard is a poisonous reptile that harms humans when it spews its poison into his food or drink. Therefore, gizzard refers to backbiting, gossip and abusive speech against the dreamer.
  • The gizzard in a dream refers to a man of bad character and malicious intentions, and when a person sees that the gizzard is eating his flesh, this gossip enemy speaks a lot of bad words against the dreamer.
  • Seeing the gecko of some dreamer indicates harm and severe damage to this person.
  • Killing a goose in a dream indicates salvation and deliverance from harm and damage.
  • Seeing the killing of a large gecko indicates surviving from big problems facing the dreamer, while seeing the killing of a small gecko indicates getting rid of a small problem facing the dreamer.
  • When a person sees that there are many geckos breeding inside his house, the dream indicates the many problems that are increasing in his married life.
  • Seeing the gecko spewing poison into the food indicates that the dreamer will be exposed to problems and great financial losses, and the vision may indicate that a famine will occur within the town.
  • Seeing cutting off the tail of the gizzard indicates repentance, seeking forgiveness, and getting rid of the sins and sins that the dreamer used to do. The dream also indicates the goodness of his condition, and may indicate the disposal of bad friends.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about geckos on the body in a dream that bites me

The vision of the gecko standing on the body and succeeding is that some of the dreamer is not a good dream, and indicates the following indications:

  • When a person sees that there is an animal like a gecko biting it, the dream indicates that he will be exposed to evil and harm from a close relative or one of the enemies.
  • Gecko is considered one of the poisonous animals, which must be guarded against. Gecko also refers to harm and damage, especially when it approaches the dreamer and stands on his body and then gets up, the dream indicates the success of a malevolent enemy in causing problems and severe damage to the dreamer.
  • When a married woman sees that the stumbles are sticking to each other, the dream indicates the presence of a malevolent and envious person who plots plots to ruin her home and cause problems between her and her husband.
  • When a divorced woman sees a dream about geckos standing on her body and some of them stand up, the vision indicates the success of the divorced woman in taking some of her rights or causing great psychological harm to her, through backbiting and gossip and talking about her bad reputation and morals.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about killing a gecko in a dream

When a person sees a dream about killing a gecko in a dream, the dream is one of the good dreams of the dreamer.

  • When a person sees that he is killing the gecko after he saw the gizzard standing on his body, the dream indicates the success of the dreamer in getting rid of one of his enemies and avoiding his evil.
  • A vision of killing a gecko expresses success in getting rid of the problems and worries that the visionary suffers from in his life.
  • If a married woman sees that she is trampling the gizzard under her feet, this woman will succeed in getting rid of the marital disputes and problems that she suffers from.
  • The vision of a divorced woman that she kills the gizzard indicates that this woman will succeed in getting rid of the evils, harm, and psychological and material damage caused to her by her ex-husband. The vision also indicates that God will change all her conditions for the better.

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Thus, we have come to the end of this article, after we have provided you in detail all the indications and meanings from the interpretation of the dream of gizzard on the body in a dream. We have provided you with all the connotations and meanings by using the opinions of the great commentators such as Ibn Sirin.