Interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a close person and crying over him is one of the dreams that may cause anxiety and sadness for the dreamer in his life. The life of the seer, and they are possible interpretations and diligence from the commentators may or may not be correct, so important decisions in life should not be based on them.

Interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a close person and crying over him

The dreamer may see in a dream that he hears the news of the death of a person from his relatives or friends, which indicates a number of possible meanings that can be presented as follows:

  • Seeing a dream in a dream indicates good news and happy news that the dreamer will hear soon.
  • If the dreamer sees that he hears the news of the death of someone he knows and is crying over him, then this is a sign of goodness and sustenance that that person will receive and a benefit that he will obtain in the near future.
  • If the dreamer sees himself in a dream wearing white clothes when he hears the news of the death of someone he knows, it is a sign that worries and sadness have gone away from the dreamer’s life.
  • Black clothes in a dream indicate problems that the dreamer will encounter in his work or his relationship with employers and his co-workers.
  • Hearing the news of the death of a person whom the dreamer knows in a dream indicates the long life that that person enjoys, whether he is a father, brother, uncle or uncle.
  • Seeing a dream about hearing the news of the death of a person whom the dreamer knows, and that person is sick in reality, then it means an increase in illness for him and a delay in recovery and wellness.
  • If the wife sees a dream in a dream, it indicates the wife’s love for her husband, and if the husband sees it for his wife, it is an expression of his satisfaction with her and his great love for her.

Interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a close person and crying over him for single people

If a single woman sees in her dream that she hears the news of the death of someone she knows, then this indicates many interpretations and meanings in the life of the girl, which we learn about in the following:

  • A dream in a single woman’s dream indicates that she hears news that brings her a lot of joy and pleasure in her life.
  • Seeing a single woman in a dream often refers to getting rid of the worries and anxieties that cause the girl to be sad and anxious in her life.
  • Hearing the news of the death of a person you know, denotes her close engagement and the joy that the girl sees in her life.
  • Seeing a dream in a dream and the girl was wearing black clothes, this may indicate instability in the girl’s family life and her feeling of discomfort in her relationship with her family.
  • The dream also may mean failure in the emotional relationship and the failure to complete the engagement. As for wearing white clothes when hearing the news of death, it indicates the demise of worries and strong passion in the life of the single.
  • Weeping in a dream over the death of someone the girl knows, such as the father or the mother, indicates a calamity and distress that the girl is exposed to in her life or in her work.
  • Seeing the father’s death in a dream indicates the girl’s suffering from loneliness and her feeling of her father’s lack of interest in her due to work and preoccupation.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a relative and crying over him for the married woman

A married woman’s dream about the death of a relative and crying over him indicates the following matters and meanings in the dreamer’s life:

  • The married woman’s hearing about the death of someone she knows indicates the good and benefit that afflicts that person in real life.
  • The dream indicates the payment of debts and the disposal of worries and causes of anxiety in the life of the one who hears the news of his death. The dream also indicates a wide sustenance that he obtains in reality.
  • If the wife hears the news of her husband’s death and cries over him in a dream, it indicates that he will get a promotion at work if he is an employee, or his trade will increase and his work will be successful if he is a merchant.
  • If a woman mourns in a dream over someone who dies, then it is a bad omen of a calamity that will affect the woman, her husband, or one of her family members?
  • Hearing the news of the father’s death in a married woman’s dream may mean that she suffers from big problems and disagreements with her husband and needs someone to stand by her and support her.
  • Dreaming of hearing the news of a son’s death in a dream indicates travel and a wide sustenance for that son, as well as excelling in studies, and if a woman is wailing and screaming in a dream, it is a calamity that affects the boy or a failure in studies.
  • Hearing the news of the death of a married person whom the married woman does not know denotes prosperity, change for the better, and escape from the worries that surround a woman in the reality of her life.

Interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a close person and crying over him for the divorced woman

If a divorced woman hears in her dream about the death of someone she knows, it indicates a number of the following meanings and interpretations in the life of the seer:

  • Hearing the divorced woman’s news of her ex-husband’s death indicates the woman’s suffering during her life with him and her happiness in getting rid of him in reality.
  • Hearing the news of the death of the ex-husband of the divorced woman may mean that she did not obtain all her rights from him and that she wants to end all her affairs with him.
  • If the dream is related to the father, it means for the divorced woman that her father will stand next to her, and her feeling of family security.
  • Seeing a divorced woman in a dream of her husband’s coffin after his death may mean that she may return to him in reality and life will return to its previous era.
  • Hearing the news of the death of a person whom the woman knew, and she was screaming and wailing in a dream, may indicate anxiety, instability and tension that the divorced woman feels after her separation and her leaving her husband.

Interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a close person and crying over him for a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman sees that she hears the death of someone she knows in a dream and cries over him, then the dream has many interpretations as follows:

  • A dream in a pregnant woman’s dream indicates the approaching birth and the approaching situation.
  • Weeping in a dream indicates the troubles during pregnancy and the difficulties that a woman encounters in her childbirth. As for crying only, it indicates easy and easy guardians.
  • Hearing the news of death in a dream may mean that the pregnant woman suffers from anxiety, tension, discomfort and stability in her life.
  • If a pregnant woman hears the news of her husband’s death, it is evidence of the husband’s enjoyment of health, wellness and longevity.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about the death of a person in a dream

A dreamer’s vision of a dying person in a dream indicates a number of the following possible meanings and interpretations in the life of the dreamer:

  • A dream about the death of a person whom the dreamer does not know in a dream indicates a new beginning in the dreamer’s life and a stage of his life.
  • The dream indicates a change in the dreamer’s life, whether for better or worse, according to his reception of the news of his death.
  • If the dreamer does not cry in a dream at the death of someone he knows, then this is evidence of the good and prosperity that the seer will receive in the near future.
  • The dreamer’s vision of someone he knows has died and there is a disagreement between them in reality. The dream may indicate the dreamer’s desire for this to happen to the man if he is still alive.
  • If the dreamer sees himself dying and then comes out of his grave and comes back to life, evidence of his repentance and his relinquishment of sins and disobedience.
  • If the dreamer sees himself dying and being shrouded, but his family does not cry over him, and he does not appear pale, this indicates that he is traveling in the near future.

Interpretation of a dream about the death of a living person in a dream

The dreamer’s vision of the death of a person in a dream while he is alive indicates the following interpretations and meanings in the life of the dreamer:

  • If the dreamer sees that someone he knows has died while he is still alive, then this is evidence of the longevity of that person in reality.
  • If the dreamer sees a sick person who has died, it may indicate the dreamer’s concern for that patient and his fear of his death due to his illness.
  • If the dreamer hears in a dream the news of the death of someone he knows, it may indicate that the person will be exposed to calamity and distress and his need for someone to stand by him and support him.
  • The dreamer’s vision of his father as if he was dying in a dream is evidence that the dreamer is exposed to affliction, lack of livelihood, and a feeling of narrowness of life.
  • The dream also may indicate the dreamer’s shortcomings in honoring his father and failing to fulfill his right.
  • If the dreamer sees his mother dying in a dream, then this is evidence of sins and evils committed in the life of the dreamer.
  • Seeing the death of a son in a dream indicates that he will overcome his enemies and be spared from the schemes of his competitors to harm him.
  • The death of a brother in a dream indicates that the dreamer will be exposed to hardships and adversities, and feel the lack of support and help in facing them.

Interpretation of a dream about the death of a loved one in a dream

If the dreamer sees that someone he loves has died in the dream, then this indicates the following:

  • Seeing the death of a person whom the dreamer loves is evidence of the great position of that person in the heart of the dreamer and his appreciation for him.
  • The dream indicates good news in the dreamer’s life and that he will get rid of worries and causes of anxiety in his life soon.
  • If the dreamer sees that someone he loves has died and the dreamer is crying over him, then this is evidence that the dreamer is traveling or going for Hajj in the near future.
  • If a single girl sees a dream in a dream, this indicates that she will hear happy news in the near future, or that she will share joy with that person.
  • The married woman if she saw the death of the husband and she loved him, evidence of harmony and the lack of differences and interest in him in reality.

Interpretation of seeing the death of a person in a dream while he is dead

Sometimes the dreamer may see in a dream that a person is dying and this person is actually dead in reality, and the dream has many diverse interpretations that can be identified as follows:

  • If the dreamer sees someone dying in a dream while he is already dead, but no one cries for him, it may mean that the dreamer is marrying the offspring of that dead person in reality.
  • The dream, if it contains wailing, weeping and wailing, indicates the discomfort of the dead in his grave and his need to pray and seek forgiveness for him.
  • If the sick person sees a dead person whom he knows has died again, it is evidence of rising from the disease and getting rid of the illness, especially if the deceased’s family feels joy and happiness in the dream.
  • The dream is often evidence of the demise of worry and sadness from the dreamer’s life and the change of his life for the better in reality.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about death by Nabulsi

Imam Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi believes that the dream of death in a dream has many meanings that indicate matters in the life of the seer, and he simplified these interpretations as follows:

  • If the patient sees a dream of death in a dream, then this indicates health and recovery of health again.
  • If a prisoner sees a dream in a dream, then this indicates his release from prison and his return to his family, and also the concerned person.
  • Crying and wailing in a dream indicates a lack of religion, a struggle for this world, and a forgetfulness of the Hereafter.
  • If the dreamer sees that he is dying in a dream, this may indicate his travels in the near future or his loss of money and loss.
  • A single, unmarried young man, if he sees a dream of death in a dream, may indicate a close marriage and entering into the bride with perfume and new clothes.
  • If the dreamer sees himself dying and then rising from his death, it is good and wealth and he is free from poverty and need, as the dream may indicate repentance from sins and a return to the path of righteousness and religion.
  • A vision of the people of the graves leaving their homes and eating people’s food is evidence of drought in the country, high prices and a lack of provisions.
  • If the dreamer sees a dead person who knows him laughing and signs of happiness appear on him, this indicates his position in his grave and his good conclusion in reality.
  • A dreamer seeing himself praying for a dead person means that the dreamer is speaking and preaching to heartless people who are not affected by hearing good.

Interpretation of the dream of death by Ibn Shaheen

Ibn Shaheen Al-Zahiri believes that seeing death in a dream has interpretations that can be presented and identified as follows:

  • If the dreamer sees that he is dying in a dream, then people cry over him and bury him in his grave, an indication of shortcomings in religion, sins and corruption of intention.
  • The dreamer’s vision of himself as he dies, and people carry him and walk in his funeral, is evidence of the honor, glory and high position that the dreamer enjoys among creation.
  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that he dies and then rises from his death, then the dream indicates long life or repentance from sins and a return from the path of error.
  • The dreamer’s vision of himself dying while no one shrouds him or prays over him or bury him is evidence that he does not care about building his house or fixing what time has ruined in it.
  • The death of the king or the governor in a dream indicates the ruin of the country and the exposure of its people to affliction and drought or the attack of the enemy.
  • If the dreamer sees himself in a dream suffering from the throes of death, then this is evidence that he is committing a lot of sin in the truth and neglecting the matter of his religion.
  • Life after death in a dream may refer to distant travel and alienation from family and homelands.
  • The dreamer’s vision of his father or mother has died, it indicates the loss of his worldly life and his loss in his work or his abandonment of useful work in the hereafter.

We got acquainted with the interpretation of a dream about hearing the news of the death of a close person and crying over it for single, married and divorced women. We also learned about the interpretation of a dream about the death of a person while he is alive, or the death of a dead person again, as well as the interpretation of the dream of death according to Imam Nabulsi and Ibn Shaheen and the interpretations and signs the dream refers to.