How much is the citizen’s account for the wife? As the Citizen Account Program is dedicated to protecting and supporting Saudi families to bear the burdens of life; Accordingly, it allocates monthly sums of money to individuals who meet the conditions for eligibility to support the citizen’s account, and the value of these amounts varies from one person to another according to several criteria such as the number of family members and the value of the monthly income they receive, and the wife or woman in general is one of the groups that receives the most support Citizen account; Therefore, it answers the question posed about the value of the monthly support that the wife receives, and clarifies the method and conditions for registering and applying for financial support from the citizen’s account for women.

What is a citizen’s account?

It is a governmental program launched by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, in order to provide financial support to Saudi families and protect them from various economic impacts, such as those that occur due to the economic reforms that the government introduces and lead to increased burdens on Saudi citizens and families. The Citizen Account Program works to direct benefits and support The government to the categories entitled to it of Saudi citizens, which leads to an increase in the principle of rational consumption, and the monthly sums of money are transferred to the beneficiaries’ account after they apply for support; They are accepted if they meet the conditions of the Citizen Account Program.

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How much is the citizen’s account for the wife?

The value of the citizen’s account amount can be determined for the wife or any other individual through the estimation calculator available on the citizen’s account website; Where there is no specific value for the amount that the wife receives, but the amounts of support for the citizen’s account differ from one wife to another or from one citizen to another, depending on the circumstances of the applicant for support and whether he is independent or has dependents, how many family members are affiliated with him, and how much is the value The total monthly income that he receives, all of these criteria affect the value of the amount that the applicant or the wife receives. As for the estimated calculator, it presents the estimated amount that the applicant will receive, not the final amount.

How do I know the amount of the citizen’s account for the wife?

The estimate calculator can be used to find out the wife’s entitlement to financial support from the citizen’s account or not. It is also possible to know the estimated value of the amount that she will receive if she is due, and this is done through the following steps:

  • Go to the estimated calculator page directly.
  • Answer the question “Are you registered in the Citizen Account Program?”
  • The answer to the question “Are you the head of a family or an independent?”.
  • Enter the required information.
  • Click on the “Calculate” icon.
  • Then the value of the amount expected to be received by the applicant will appear.

When will the citizen’s account be debited to the wife?

The amount of the citizen’s account will be debited to the wife or all beneficiaries on the 10th of the next month; As the tenth day of each Gregorian month is the permanent date specified for disbursing the citizen’s account support amounts to the beneficiaries’ accounts, and in the event that the tenth of any Gregorian month falls on one of the official holidays in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as Friday and Saturday, the exchange date is changed by submitting it or Delaying it by one day so that it does not conflict with the holiday. For example, the exchange is sometimes on Thursday because the day 10 falls on Friday; Thus, the exchange date is advanced by one day, and sometimes the exchange is on Sunday because the day 10 falls on Saturday; Therefore, it is delayed by one day.

Read also:

How to register in the citizen’s account for the wife

Before applying for citizen account support, the wife or woman in general must register or create an account in the citizen account program by following the following steps:

  • Go to the citizen’s account website directly.
  • Click on “New Registration”.
  • Write down the ID number.
  • Write the date of birth in Hijri.
  • Enter the mobile number.
  • Enter the visual verification code that appears on the screen.
  • Select the option of undertaking and acknowledging the validity of the entered data.
  • Click on “Register”
  • After pressing “Register”, you will be taken to another page in order to log in.
  • Enter the ID number.
  • Enter the temporary password that was sent to the mobile.
  • Write the visual verification code.
  • Press “Enter”.
  • After pressing “Enter”, you will be taken to another page in order to change the temporary password, and create another password for the user.
  • This concludes the steps for creating an account on the Citizen Account website.

Conditions for registering for a citizen account for women

A Saudi woman in general, or a wife in particular, can register for the amount of support from the citizen’s account, if the following general conditions or conditions are met:

  • The woman must be of Saudi nationality.
  • If she is not married, she must be dependent on her father or mother.
  • Abandoned women are eligible to apply for Citizen Account Support.
  • If the woman is married to a person who is not of Saudi nationality.
  • If the woman supports a prisoner or is the wife of an incompetent person.
  • Also, if the woman is married to someone who has been absent for a long time.

Read also:

How to apply for citizen account support

After creating an account in the citizen account program as in the previous paragraph, we now come to explaining the method of applying for citizen account support, which is done by strictly following the following steps:

  • Go to the citizen’s account website directly.
  • Click on “Enter” from the top of the page.
  • Enter your username or ID number.
  • Write down the password.
  • Enter the visual verification code.
  • Press “Enter”.
  • Click on “Fill/Complete the Application”.
  • Determining the marital status, then the health status, then the status of the ability to work, then the educational level.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Fill in the address information.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Fill in the information of the affiliates.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Disclosure of the value of the monthly income.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Fill in real estate information.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Fill in the bank account information.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Click on “Next”.
  • Review and submit the application.
  • With this, the electronic application for obtaining support for the Citizen Account Program is completed, and the applicant must wait until his application is studied and responded to.

Conditions for obtaining support from the citizen’s account

In addition to the general application conditions that must be met by women in order to apply at the expense of the citizen, there are other conditions that must be met in order for the applicant or the wife to obtain support from the citizen’s account. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has defined these conditions as follows:

  • The wife applying for support from the citizen’s account must be a Saudi woman; Because this program is intended for Saudi women or men only, and is not granted to female residents or others.
  • If the applicant for support from the Citizen Account Program is the wife of a Saudi citizen and she is not a Saudi woman, an exception will be made from the requirement to possess Saudi citizenship.
  • The Saudi wife requesting support from the citizen’s account must be permanently residing in Saudi Arabia; It is not possible to grant support from the citizen’s account to Saudi women residing abroad.
  • A Saudi wife requesting a citizen’s account support must be present on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the year preceding the submission of the application for obtaining a citizen’s account support.
  • The Saudi wife must not be residing in a Saudi care home or a government shelter, and she must not be a prisoner; As these women receive their own care.
  • It is essential that the Saudi wife requesting support from the citizen’s account not be registered and beneficiary of any other support programs offered by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
  • The Saudi wife applying for citizen account support must register her data correctly; The data entered must be identical to the data in the Saudi government records.
  • The wife must also enter the real number of family members affiliated with her, as well as the total value of the monthly income that her family receives.

Read also:

How is the value of the citizen’s account amount estimated?

There are several criteria that have been approved in the Citizen’s Account Program, based on which the value of the amount received by the applicant who is eligible for support is calculated. These criteria are the number and ages of family members and the value of the family’s monthly gross income. These criteria can be clarified in the following points:

  • Number of family members: the larger the number of family members, the higher the value of the financial support that the beneficiary receives, and the opposite is true if the number of family members decreases.
  • Ages of family members: the higher the number of family members over the age of 18, the greater the value of the financial support the beneficiary receives, and the lower the value of the support the lower the number of family members under the age of 18.
  • Total monthly income: the lower the total value of the monthly income that the family receives, the higher the value of the amount of support provided from the citizen’s account, and the higher the total value of the monthly income that the family receives, the lower the value of the amount of support provided from the citizen’s account, and the value can be zero if it increases The monthly income of the family over a certain limit.

Read also:

What is the value of the total monthly income of families that receive citizen account support?

The Citizen Account Program divides individuals who receive program support into four categories according to the value of the total monthly income they receive, and the division is as follows:

  • The first category: those whose total monthly income ranges from zero to 8,699 Saudi riyals.
  • The second category: those whose total monthly income ranges from 8,700 to 11,999 Saudi riyals.
  • And the third category: those whose total monthly income ranges from 12,000 to 15,299 Saudi riyals.
  • Fourth Category: Those whose total monthly income ranges from 15,300 to 20,159 Saudi riyals.
  • As for those who receive a total monthly income of 20,160 Saudi riyals or higher, they are not entitled to support the citizen’s account.

How to inquire about a citizen’s account

The spouse or the registrars who have applied in the Citizen Account Program can inquire whether they are eligible for support or not through the following steps:

  • Go to the citizen account login page.
  • Enter the national ID number in the first field.
  • Enter the password in the second field.
  • Write the visual verification code.
  • Press “Enter”.
  • Selecting “Eligibility Study List” from the main interface.
  • View the details of eligibility or ineligibility as in the following picture.

Read also:

How to file an objection in the citizen’s account

If the result of inquiring about the citizen’s account is “not qualified”, the applicant for support can file an objection to this result and address the reason for ineligibility by following the following steps:

  • Go to the citizen account login page.
  • Enter the national ID number in the first field.
  • Enter the password in the second field.
  • Write the visual verification code.
  • Press “Enter”.
  • Selecting “Eligibility Study List” from the main interface.
  • Click on the “Reasons for not entitlement to the breadwinner” icon.
  • See the reason for disqualification.
  • Click on “Submit an Objection”.
  • Select the attachment type from the list and then upload the files required to address the reason for ineligibility.
  • If there is another reason for disqualification that is not shown in the following picture, it must be addressed in order to file the objection.

A question is asked how much is the citizen’s account for the wife? by Saudi wives who want to apply for financial support from the Citizen Account Program; Therefore, we presented this detailed article, which included a lot of important information about the Citizen Account Program, including the method of applying to benefit from the financial support it provides to women and all beneficiaries.