Is stopping the services there is a prison? Many individuals are looking for an answer to this question, so we will provide it to you through our next article in the information store. The system of stopping services has been adopted in order to reduce the phenomenon of injustice, corruption and eating people’s money unjustly. To be taken by the government in the event of default on the amount due, and this is what we will discuss with you through our next lines.

Is stopping services in prison?

Governments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia take this action against those with whom they have exhausted all possible means to pay their rights in vain. Under the decision to stop services, people are prevented from conducting all government operations such as services to renew the status card or renew the driver’s license, as well as the passport and all available government services Since the beginning of the implementation of the provision of stopping services, questions have begun to revolve around the procedures that are taken in the event of failure to pay the due value, and this is what we will explain to you now.

The competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced in a statement that delaying the payment of the amounts due leads to the application of a prison sentence to the defaulter, after the expiry of the period of suspension of services, and the executive regulations specified the cases in which the person arrested for obtaining services is referred to the executive prison. The cases are:

  • In the event that a person fails to pay more than 5 people or 5 financial institutions, while it is proven that he borrowed sums of money without paying any of them, he is referred to prison.
  • In the event that the borrowed amount reaches one million Saudi riyals or more, whether the total amount is from one entity or a group of entities.
  • In the event that the court proves the borrower’s violation of the agreed-upon order for the use of funds.

In all previous cases, the judge has the right to issue a prison sentence for the defaulter, and the term of imprisonment is determined according to the legal court’s vision, as the number of years of imprisonment is an estimate that varies from one side to another.

Does stopping services include Sand?

Article No. 21 of the executive regulations issued under the royal directive in 1439 AH stipulates that an employee who is subject to suspension of services is deducted from his salary, so that the value of the salary he receives during this period is 67% of the total salary, as well as subject to freezing of his balance. The application of this procedure is not related to his obtaining subsidies instead of the cost of living, as well as the allowances for royal orders, and this procedure does not deprive him of his right to receive subsidies provided by the citizen’s account or in the Sanid system.

The purpose of applying the penalty of stopping services is to direct the executor against him to pay the amount owed to the creditor, and in the event that all the tricks with the debtor in the payment are implemented, the government is forced to imprison the debtor for a period, but it is seriously mentioned that the debtor is imprisoned in his own isolation and is not imprisoned with the perpetrators of the dramas Criminal, he is not a criminal.

Penalty for stopping services

  • Governments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia impose the penalty of stopping services on those with whom they have exhausted all possible means of payment, and the purpose of applying this penalty is to deter those who are tempted to infringe on others’ money, in applying this penalty is discipline and discipline.
  • In the event that the individual is subjected to stopping the services, he will not be able to conduct any transactions or obtain any government services without paying the amount due. Examples of these services are the service of obtaining a driver’s license, renewing the status card, or many other services, and because obtaining these services is indispensable. In the life of everyone, the individual is obliged to pay the amounts due before the expiry of the specified period and to expose himself to imprisonment.
  • In the event that an individual violates the payment for the first time, and the value of the violation exceeds 20 thousand Saudi riyals, he will be given a grace period to pay.
  • The governments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stressed that the application of the penalty for stopping services takes place in two or more stages so that the person against whom the judgment is registered can take the necessary measures so that he is not subjected to a total suspension, the main objective of applying this penalty is to direct the executor against them to pay the amounts due from them to ensure that the suspension is not suspended services, which inevitably leads to imprisonment in the event of non-compliance.

Procedures for stopping individual services

Governments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia take a set of measures against those against whom a decision is made to stop services. These measures will be explained to you as follows:

  • Depriving the employee of travel and informing all ports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of this.
  • If the employee’s national identity card expires, he will not be able to renew it for the duration of the suspension.
  • In the event that the employee is on the job, a percentage of the salary of one third shall be deducted.
  • He is denied access to health services.
  • All funds belonging to the employee shall be frozen and he shall be deprived of all his funds, and he shall submit a questionnaire of all his real estate and funds to the competent authorities.
  • He is deprived of the right to dispose of the money and his car is impounded in case he owns more than one car.
  • Depriving the employee of access to all electronic services provided through the Absher electronic platform for a period ranging from three months to six months.

The latest developments in the suspension of services

The Saudi government has announced a set of new amendments to the system of stopping services, and you can learn about these amendments by looking at the following points:

  • The Ministry of Justice has codified Article No. 46/5 of the implementation system in the Executive Regulations, which states, “The penalty for stopping services includes preventing government agencies from dealing with the debtor while depriving him of access to all government services, whether electronic or traditional.”
  • The government added an amendment to Article No. 83/2, making the executive sentence of imprisonment applied to those whose total debt exceeded one million Saudi riyals, and after the execution request, the department issues the orders stipulated in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of Article 46 of the system. And it should have been three months since the debtor failed to pay the debt, in this case the imprisonment sentence shall be applied against him and he shall not be released except with the approval of the creditor or pursuant to a court ruling.
  • A new article has been added with No. 83/3, and this article stipulates that the provisions of the hurricane lawsuit stipulated in the system shall be taken into account according to the group of paragraphs 1-2-3-4-5- of Article No. 46 in the executive regulations, which stipulates that in the absence of The debtor is required to fulfill the services with the amounts owed to the creditor within six months, a prison sentence is issued against him, and after 15 days of imprisonment he is interrogated, and the department has the right to release him if the debtor feels serious about paying the amount due.
  • The Ministry of Justice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has codified Articles No. 83/2 and No. 83/3 by adding Article No. 83/4 to control the issue of executive imprisonment as it appears, and stated that the provisions of the articles of the penalty for stopping services do not apply to those over the age of 60 years, nor do they It applies to anyone who has minor children and a wife who is deceased or absent for any reason.
  • In the new amendments to the system of suspension of services, the Ministry of Justice stated that the period of detention does not exceed in any way the three months, and that the extension period that takes place after interrogation should not also exceed the same period.

How do I unblock services?

In the event that the individual is subjected to the penalty of suspending the services, he can submit a request to lift the suspension, which is one of the services provided by the Ministry of Justice through the Najis electronic portal, so that the executor of judicial rulings can lift the suspension, and for the debtor to submit a request for lifting, he must follow the following set of steps:

  • In the first step, you will go to the official page of the Najis portal, and you can access it directly via this link.
  • After opening the link, the main interface of the site will appear, in which you will go to the implementation menu, and in it you will click on the “My Orders” option.
  • Then, a list will appear that includes a message containing a statement that receiving the service is done using the personal account on the Absher platform, and in this step, click on the “Enter” option.
  • After that, the user will be transferred to the Unified Access Portal. On this page, the user will find two options: (Password – National ID), click on the appropriate option, for example, the password.
  • After that, you will be directed to the registration page, which requires entering the following data:
  • user name.
  • password.
  • Visual verification code.
  • After entering the data, click on the “Login” option, and then the next step will be taken. In the meantime, a text message will be received on the phone registered in the account containing a verification code. Enter this code and follow the steps until the registration process is completed.
  • After that, click on the icon to submit a request to lift the suspension of services.
  • Then the site will require entering a set of data, which is entered and reviewed to ensure its accuracy and then click on the option to register the request.
  • After completing all the previous steps, the request has been successfully uploaded.

In the event that the request to lift the services is approved, the citizen will be able to regain the authority to obtain all suspended government services within a specified time period of maximum 3 days.

How long does it take to unblock services?

Many people who have executed a decision to stop services are wondering about the duration of the lifting decision, which we will explain to you through the following:

  • The duration of lifting services takes 24 hours only in the following cases:
  • In the event of a reconciliation between the debtor and the creditor, or the debtor’s assignment of his right to the creditor.
  • In the event that the debtor obtains an additional period of time to pay or that any other procedure takes place, the obligation to pay is waived from the debtor’s shoulders.
  • Here, it should be noted that the lifting of the penalty for suspending services in any of the mentioned cases is done automatically without the need to refer to the court or judicial ruling, and this is in the event of a travel ban or suspension of services, seizure of accounts and other prohibition penalties implemented against the debtor.

In the event that a request to cancel the suspension of services is submitted electronically by following the previous steps, the suspension will be lifted within a period not exceeding three days from the day of submitting the request, as the Ministry of Justice reviews the request and in the event of approval, a decision is issued to lift the suspension of services from the enforcement court, and then the individual can Get all the government services you desire.

Inquiry about suspension of services, Najis portal

Many individuals are looking for a mechanism to inquire about a request to lift the suspension of services, and it is one of the important services made available by the Ministry of Justice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Najis electronic portal. You can obtain these services by following the following steps:

  • At first, the Najis portal is entered through this link.
  • After opening the link, the main interface of the site will appear, in which the type of identity is determined between the national identity and the identity of a resident.
  • After that, the site will require entering a set of data such as date of birth and authentication code.
  • After entering the required data, click on the Next option.
  • After that, click on the service option to inquire about stopping services.
  • In this step, the user must enter a set of data, it is entered, and then press the “Continue” option.
  • After performing all the previous steps, a page will appear that includes all the data related to stopping the services and whether the suspension was lifted or not.

Debtor’s imprisonment provisions according to the executive system pdf

The Ministry of Justice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has set a set of controls to imprison a debtor who has failed to pay the due debt. Imprisonment of the debtor is considered one of the means of forced execution, the aim of which is to pressure the debtor to fulfill his debt and not deprive him of his freedom. Providing guarantees for the imprisoned debtor so that imprisonment does not conflict with freedom and dignity.

We have provided you with a comprehensive answer to the question: Is stopping the services in a prison? And here we come to the conclusion of our article today. We hope that we have been able, through our lines, to fulfill the desired benefit for you that will keep you away from continuing the search. In conclusion, we thank you for your kind follow-up to us, and we invite you to read more from our information store .