Through our article today, we present to you the date of the Teacher Competency Test 1442, as it is one of the important dates that teachers follow in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to learn about the dates for performing the tests provided by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission, which are the tests that the National Center for Measurement and Evaluation announces, and through our lines In the following information store, we will explain to you all the details related to the parameters competency tests 1442, so follow us.

Parameters competency test date 1442

The Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced the date of the professional licensing tests for teachers as follows, as the test periods were divided into several periods:

  • The first period in which the exams are held from the fifth day of the month of Rabi’ al-Thani 1442 AH until the 13th of the month of Rabi’ al-Thani 1442 AH.
  • The second period starts on the sixth day of the month of Sha’ban and ends on the fourteenth day of the same month 1442 AH.

Steps to register in the parameters competencies 1442

Many parameters are looking for a mechanism for registering in competency tests to obtain a professional license, as it is an essential step in the issuance of the license, so we will explain it to you through the following points:

  • At first, you will go to the official page of the National Center for Measurement, and you can access it directly via this link.
  • After opening the link, the main interface of the site will appear, in which the following set of data will be entered:
  • No. civil registry.
  • password.
  • Activate the option I am not a robot.
  • Then click on the login option.
  • After that, you will be moved to the personal account page, where you will click on the General Test option, which is located in the list of new teachers’ exams.
  • After that, the option to continue will be clicked, and then the instructions page will appear, in which the option to agree to all instructions will be pressed, then the following option will be pressed:
  • After that, the directory of the required specializations and qualifications will be viewed and click on the next option to follow the steps.
  • Then the required data is filled in and accuracy should be taken into account during data entry.
  • In this step, the date and place of the examination is determined, and after selecting them, click on the Next option.
  • Then the option to agree to the test date registration is activated and click on the Next option.
  • Then the appropriate method of payment is determined.

Parameters competency test fee 1442

The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has determined the value of the fees required for the applicant to be able to enter the test. The value of the fees is represented in:

  • The fee for the General Proficiency Test is 100 SAR.
  • The value of the specialization test was about 100 SAR.
  • The value of early registration in the test is 100 Saudi riyals.
  • The value of late registration in the exams is about 150 Saudi riyals.

Teacher competency test details 1442

The number of questions for one part of the competency test is 88 questions in all disciplines except for physics and sports, where the tests of these questions include 60 questions, which are answered in the specified period of the test, which is an hour and a half, which is the specified period for the general test and the achievement test.

During the application, the applicant will be able to specify the place of the test, where the same test is held in more than one region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These regions are able to be identified by the applicant while filling out the registration form in the selection.

Specialized Standards for Professional Educational Licenses 1442

The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of criteria that must be met by the applicant to fill an educational position. These criteria are as follows:

  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by Islamic education teachers1 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by Islamic education teachers2 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has developed a set of standards that must be met by Arabic language teachers1 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by Arabic language teachers2 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has developed a set of standards that must be met by teachers of psychology, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by teachers of administrative sciences, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by kindergarten teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by art education teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by teachers of research skills and information sources, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by teachers of visual impairment, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by intellectual education teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by computer teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has developed a set of standards that must be met by geography teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by history teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by biology teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by chemistry teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by physics teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has set a set of standards that must be met by mathematics teachers1 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.

Standards for admission to professional disciplines 1442

  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by mathematics teachers2, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has developed a set of standards that must be met by social science teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by social teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by earth science teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by gifted teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by educational supervision teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by family education teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by health education teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by teachers of behavioral exercises, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by teachers of autism, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has developed a set of standards that must be met by teachers of hearing impairment, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by teachers of learning difficulties, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by English language teachers2 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by science teachers1 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by science teachers2 and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by school leadership teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.
  • The Education and Training Evaluation Authority has set a set of standards that must be met by student guidance teachers, and you can learn about these standards by entering this link.

Parameters competency tests 1442

Teacher competency tests are one of the important tests that the Education and Training Evaluation Commission holds in various districts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They are tests that help measure the extent of his advanced qualifications to teach and the availability of standards set by the Saudi Ministry of Education to work in one of the educational disciplines.

It is worth noting that the test was changed after the Saudi Ministry of Education issued a regulation for new educational jobs, so that the tests became professional licensing tests for either male or female teachers. The purpose behind holding these tests is to raise the quality of teacher performance in accordance with professional standards and educational professional licensing requirements.

The tests provided by the Education and Training Evaluation Authority increase the motivation of teachers towards work and motivate them for professional development. It is worth noting that these tests meet all the required professional standards in all educational fields and disciplines, thus ensuring the availability of the minimum standards for admission to the practice of educational professions. .

Parameters competency test results 1442-2021

Knowing the date of announcing the results of the competency test is among the important matters awaiting female teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Education and Training Evaluation Commission has announced the scheduled date for announcing the test results, which is:

  • The results of the competency tests begin to appear as of the thirtieth day of May 2021, and you can inquire about them over the phone by calling the call center number: 920033555

With this, we, our dear followers, have come to the conclusion of our conversation in which we presented you with the date of the parameters competency test 1442 and all the information related to these tests, and at the end of our article we hope that we were able to provide you with a comprehensive coverage that includes all your inquiries and spares you from continuing the search.

To learn more about competency tests in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through our information store, you can follow the following articles:

  • What is the date for measuring exam dates 1442
  • Link to query the results of teachers’ competencies in steps 1442