Learn about the date of registration in the citizen’s account 1442 AH and the date of disbursing the monthly dues in the Hijri calendar. Many Saudi citizens who benefit from the social security program, the citizen’s account, wonder when a specific and unified date will be set for registration in the citizen’s account 1442 AH, especially from families benefiting from this material support.

Recently, there was a sudden stop in the registration process without an official announcement of stopping the registration process on the citizen account or the reason that led to that, which made some citizens think that they might have a specific problem in the registration process without others, but the reality is that there has been a sudden stop in Registration is generally for an indefinite period, so that the databases of the citizens’ account beneficiaries are reviewed in general.

For more details about the date, steps, conditions, registration for a citizen’s account in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, follow us in the following article from the information store.

Registration date for the citizen’s account 1442

It has recently happened that many people wishing to obtain financial support provided by the Citizen Account Initiative in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have found difficulty or something similar to a technical problem during their registration request for support, which raised many questions for these people about the reason why they Without registering their requests to take advantage of the citizen’s account.

In this regard, the REM account of the Citizen Account Initiative announced on the global tweeting site (Twitter), that the reason for the inability of many people to register new requests for benefit in the citizen’s account is to close the registration door in order to conduct a review of the database of beneficiaries in addition to Making some adjustments and reforms to the registration system in general, in order to ensure that the already deserving groups receive the support provided by the citizen’s account.

After this announcement, many citizens wondered when the registration for the citizen’s account will be opened again during the year 1442 AH, or will no new applications be accepted to benefit from the citizen’s account?

To answer the citizen’s account on the global Twitter site (Twitter) that the deadline for accepting the registration of new applications in the citizen’s account has not yet been determined, but the Ministry of Social Security is working to review the databases of the program to reach the beneficiaries of support and ensure that it reaches the most needy families, as the official account noted. That the date set for the opening of new applications registration in the citizen’s account will be announced as soon as a decision is issued to reopen the registration door again.

Conditions for registering in the citizen’s account 1442

The Ministry of Social Security has set a number of conditions that must be met for the successful registration of families benefiting from the Citizen Account Program. These conditions are as follows:

  • It is required that the applicant for the support of the Citizen Account Program (individual / family) of Saudi nationality, that is, of Saudi origin and origin, but the nationality requirement is excluded for the wife of a Saudi citizen, children of Saudi citizens, who have mobility cards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • It is required that the applicant for the support of the Citizen’s Account Program (individual / family) resides in the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia permanently, so those outside the borders of the Kingdom cannot obtain support for the Citizen’s Account, meaning that the applicant for support must have resided in the Kingdom for a period of time More than three months during the year preceding the submission of the request to benefit from the citizen account support.
  • It is required that the applicant for the Citizen Account Program support (individual / family) does not join the list of those included in one of the other initiatives of government support.
  • It is required that the applicant for the Citizen Account Program support (individual / family) does not reside in a care home, government shelter or prison.
  • The applicant for the Citizen Account Program support (individual/family) is required to correctly and accurately record the enrollment data for the Citizen Account Program as recorded in the official identification documents.

How to register for a citizen’s account online

After the announcement of the reopening of registration and acceptance of applications to benefit from the support provided through the citizen account program, those wishing to register who meet the conditions for entitlement to support from the citizen account from Saudi citizens can submit a request for obtaining citizen account support through the following steps:

  • Access to the official website of the Citizen Account Program, which can be accessed directly from this link (Citizen Account).
  • From the main page of the site, click on the (new user registration) icon.
  • The site will take you to the page for entering the required registration data as follows:
  • National Identification Number.
  • Date of birth in the Hijri calendar.
  • mobile Number.
  • Confirm the mobile phone number.
  • 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Register) button.
  • The user will then be logged in by entering the national ID number, the account password.
  • Then enter the verification code and press the (Enter) button.
  • The account password is set.
  • Among the options on the website’s home page, click on the option (Fill/Complete an application).
  • Then fill in the required data for registration correctly as follows:

1 General data

  • The applicant’s marital status.
  • The applicant’s health status.
  • The extent of the ability to work.
  • Determine the educational level.

2 Address data

  • Residence status of the applicant.
  • The type of accommodation for the applicant.
  • residence area.
  • the city name.
  • neighborhood name.
  • Street name.
  • post address.
  • building number.
  • unit number.
  • additional number.
  • Postal code.
  • mail box.
  • contact information

3 Affiliates’ data

  • Enter an answer to the question (Are there dependents?).
  • Entering the data of each of the dependents separately, in the event that there are dependents of the beneficiary of the citizen account support

4 Income data

  • Beneficiary’s employment status
  • type of financial income.
  • source of financial income.
  • Monthly financial amount with allowances.
  • annual financial income.
  • The financial income of the affiliates.
  • Acknowledgment of the correctness of the data.

5- Real estate data بيانات

  • Instrument number.
  • Area name.
  • the city name.
  • Total ownership percentage.
  • Total owned area.

6 bank account information

  • The rules and controls for the beneficiary’s bank account data must be carefully read.
  • Enter the IBAN number (the bank account number).
  • Confirm the bank account number.
  • Acknowledgment of the correctness of the bank account number entered, and the validity of its ownership of the applicant.
  • Then the application and its data are fully reviewed.
  • Acknowledgment of the correctness of the information and data contained in the application, with a pledge to abide by the terms of the program.
  • Finally, click on the (Submit an Application) button.

The date of disbursing the citizen’s account in Hijri

In accordance with the instructions of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, which relates to the necessity of adhering to the fixed monthly dates in each Hijri month for the disbursement of financial payments to citizens benefiting from the Citizen Account Program, so that they can meet the basic requirements of life during these difficult circumstances that the whole world is going through due to The spread of the new Corona virus.

Therefore, the date of disbursing the new financial due payments from the Citizen’s Account Program will fall on Thursday, the twenty-fifth of the month of Rabi’ al-Thani 1442 AH, whereby the money is deposited to the beneficiaries on this day, so that citizens can disburse their financial dues on the day following the deposit process.

It was also emphasized that if the date for disbursing the financial payments to those entitled from the Citizen’s Account Program coincides with an official holiday, the payment date will be advanced by one day or delayed by one day from the day set for disbursing the financial payments from the citizen’s account, provided that the new payment is disbursed from the citizen’s account Citizen on the tenth day of every Gregorian month.

Update the citizen’s account with the ID number

The Citizen Account Program has recently published the steps to be followed to update the program’s beneficiaries’ data. Customer service officials called on the citizens’ account beneficiaries to update their data periodically in order to ensure that their data is updated in the program’s beneficiary database, and to ensure that financial support reaches its beneficiaries. Data of the citizen’s account to prevent any problems or obstacles that may prevent the disbursement of subsidy payments from the citizen’s account in the event that there are some false or incomplete data.

You can update the citizen’s account data with the national ID number by following the following steps:

  • Access to the official website of the Citizen Account Program, which can be accessed directly from this link (Citizen Account).
  • From the home page of the site, click on the (Login) icon.
  • The site will take you to the page for entering the required login data as follows:
  • user name.
  • password.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the login button.
  • From the service options in front of you, click on the option (Complete/Modify the request).
  • To ask the site in this step to update the data that has changed, and the data of the citizen’s account includes the following.
  • General data of the beneficiary.
  • Affiliate data.
  • Financial income statements.
  • Real estate data.
  • Bank account information.
  • Residential address information.
  • Then the beneficiary must review the data that he has updated carefully and make sure that it is correct.
  • Then at the end the (Update data) button is pressed.

How to inquire about the citizen’s account for the beneficiaries of the guarantee

The Citizen’s Account Program website offers the service of inquiring about the monthly payment of social security salaries to its beneficiaries in an electronic way, whereby social security pension beneficiaries can inquire about the release and date of disbursement of due payments, and you can inquire about the citizen’s account electronically through the following steps:

  • Access to the official website of the Citizen Account Program, which can be accessed directly from this link (Citizen Account).
  • From the home page of the site, click on the (Login) icon.
  • The site will take you to the page for entering the required login data as follows:
  • user name.
  • password.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the login button.
  • From the services options available to you, click on the option (inquiry about the citizen’s account).
  • The site will ask you to enter the national ID number.
  • Correctly enter the visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Continue) button.
  • The Citizen Account website will take you to a new page that includes all the information on the financial defenses of support that were deposited in the bank account of the social security beneficiaries of the Citizen Account Program.

Citizen Account Program in Saudi Arabia

The Citizen Account Program is one of the government initiatives in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that was launched with the aim of providing a helping hand and material support to Saudi families with limited financial income. This initiative was launched in 2017 to provide financial support to thousands of beneficiary families in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Citizen Account Program aims to provide financial compensation to poor families who have been severely affected by the comprehensive economic reforms undertaken by the Kingdom in recent years, which were represented in the establishment of several giant national projects aimed at the economic development of the Kingdom.

The program also aims to ensure the provision of a stable living life for the neediest families in the Kingdom, which ensures the provision of basic life requirements for them, in addition to the Kingdom’s government endeavoring to implement the principles of social justice among citizens at various social levels.

The Saudi government also aims, through the Citizen Account Program, to ensure that financial support reaches its beneficiaries through the Citizen Account Program, by providing in-kind support instead of support on various commodities, which may not represent a real benefit to needy families. Food services, government services, or oil services benefit all Saudi families, not only the neediest families, which made the state turn to direct financial support initiatives, of which the citizen’s account is one of the most important of these initiatives.

To be, we have provided you with the date of registration in the citizen’s account 1442. We have shown you in detail how to register with the citizen’s account, the steps to update the data of the citizens’ account beneficiaries, the date for disbursing new payments to those entitled, the date for resuming accepting applications for registration to benefit from the citizen’s account support, and for more government services follow us on the store website the information.