Learn about the conditions of electronic Chamber of Commerce certification… Required documents and certification steps in detail. Many business owners, institutions and companies are keen to know the conditions required to be able to obtain Chambers of Commerce certification so that they can conduct their transactions easily without any delay.

Whereas, the Chambers of Commerce is the government agency competent to publish laws related to industry, commerce, transportation, tax collection, approval of importing foreign goods, granting building licenses, setting prices, issuing visas, and appointing or dismissing any employee affiliated with the Saudi commercial sector.

The Chambers of Commerce of the various geographical regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offer the possibility to obtain the Chamber of Commerce’s certification electronically without the need to go to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters. It is available at any time and from anywhere, without making any time or effort during heading to the headquarters of providing services.

To learn about the conditions of affiliation and to obtain the approval of the Saudi Commercial Employment, follow us in the following lines of the information store website.

Chamber of Commerce electronic certification

The electronic attestation service from the Chamber of Commerce is one of the services provided by the Chamber of Commerce for each region separately in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in order to obtain the electronic attestation of documents and documents that require obtaining the Chamber of Commerce attestation.

With a clarification that some chambers of commerce in some regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia still operate in the paper-based system, and then you will have to go to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters to have the document authenticated.

However, the Chamber of Commerce of Makkah, Jeddah, and Abha works with the advanced electronic system for attesting the Chamber of Commerce.

Conditions for affiliation with the Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Council of Chambers of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sets a number of conditions that must be met in order for the owner of an establishment or establishment operating in the commercial field to be affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce, which are represented in the following points:

  • The owner of the furniture is required to bring documents that prove his identity and identity, whether it is the national identity number, the residence document number, or the civil registry number.
  • Take the necessary steps, which are to obtain the signatures required to conduct the transaction from all the competent and concerned parties.
  • It is necessary to bring the original license of the institution.
  • It is necessary to bring a copy of the commercial register of the institution or establishment.
  • In the event that the application is a person authorized by the person concerned (the owner of the institution), then a completely identical copy of the agency order or the original copy of the authorization must be available.
  • Fill out the form data submitted by the Chamber of Commerce.
  • It is necessary to bring all contracts in case the facility is a company.
  • It is necessary to pay the annual financial invoice for the value of the symbolic subscription in the Chamber of Commerce.
  • It is necessary to note that the commercial year in the Saudi Chambers of Commerce begins on the first day of January at the beginning of the year until the end of December at the end of the year.

Saudi Chamber of Commerce Certification Conditions

Obtaining the attestation of documents in the Saudi Chambers of Commerce requires the availability of a number of conditions that make obtaining the attestation process easy and easy, provided that the following conditions are adhered to and not violated any of them, with the need to also comply with the conditions of affiliation to one of the Saudi Chambers of Commerce.

The conditions for the approval of the Saudi Chamber of Commerce are as follows:

  • To activate the membership in the Saudi Chambers of Commerce.
  • Commitment to the annual fee payment process to avoid membership cancellation.
  • That the name and signature of the person concerned in the Chamber of Commerce match each of them in any official document submitted thereafter.
  • The Chamber of Commerce matches the personal name of the person concerned, the personal identification number, and the commercial registration number in all papers and documents related to the Chambers of Commerce.
  • The document’s data should be clearly defined, while rejecting the existence of any damage, tampering or distortion in the document.
  • That the content contained in the official documents and transactions submitted to the Chamber of Commerce is in line with the instructions of the Presidency of the Governmental Chambers of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Documents required for Chamber of Commerce attestation

The Council of Chambers of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia determines a number of documents and official papers that must be available so that the owner of the establishment or establishment operating in the commercial field can obtain the Chamber of Commerce’s approvals, which are represented in the following points:

  • The owner of the furniture is required to bring documents that prove his identity and identity, whether it is the national identity number, the residence document number, or the civil registry number.
  • In the event that the application is a person authorized by the person concerned (the owner of the institution), then a completely identical copy of the agency order or the original copy of the authorization must be available.
  • It is necessary to bring the original license of the institution.
  • It is necessary to pay the annual financial invoice for the value of the symbolic subscription in the Chamber of Commerce.
  • It is necessary to bring a copy of the commercial register of the institution or establishment.
  • Fill out the form data submitted by the Chamber of Commerce.
  • It is necessary to bring all contracts in case the facility is a company.

Knowing that the commercial year in the Saudi Chambers of Commerce begins on the first day of January at the beginning of the year until the end of December at the end of the year.

Steps to electronically authenticate the Chamber of Commerce

In the interest of the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce to implement the principles of the comprehensive vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, and in accordance with the precautionary measures taken to preserve Saudi citizens from the outbreak of the new Corona infection by avoiding crowding and wasting a lot of time and effort, the Chambers of Commerce made it possible to conduct the certification service electronically on condition The fulfillment of all the necessary conditions for attestation by the Chamber of Commerce, by following the following steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Council of Saudi Chambers).
  • Click on the icon (about the council) and then go to (the list of chambers of commerce and industry) and click on it.
  • Choosing the Chamber of Commerce of the geographical area in which the applicant for certification resides.
  • Then click on the (electronic services) icon.
  • Log in to the user account by entering the user name, password, and visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • In the event that you do not have an account, you can create a new account by clicking on (New User) and creating an account with ease.
  • From the list of services, click on (Subscriber Services).
  • From the services available to you, choose a service (certification services) and click on it.
  • Then follow the successive steps and enter the required data correctly.
  • Qassam pays the financial fees for ratification.
  • Then complete the steps of the certification request.

With the need to note that the electronic authentication services in the Council of Chambers of Commerce differ from one room to another. On the website of the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce, the attestation services are accessed from the (My Business) icon, while on the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce website the authentication services are accessed from the icon ( electronic services).

With an explanation that the electronic authentication service is not available in all Saudi Chambers of Commerce, but that there are some chambers that still work in the paper-based transaction system, so the person concerned will have to go to the Chamber of Commerce headquarters to complete the paper-based authentication transactions.

Electronic attestation of the Chamber of Commerce (Jeddah Chamber)

You can legalize commercial documents electronically from the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce by following the following steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Jeddah Chamber of Commerce).
  • From the main page, click on the (electronic services) icon.
  • Then log in to the user account by entering the user name, password, and the visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • In the event that you do not have an account, you can create a new account by clicking on (New User) and creating an account with ease.
  • From the services available to you, click on the “My Requests” option.
  • Then choose a service (Authentication Services) and click on it.
  • Then follow the successive steps and enter the required data correctly.
  • Qassam pays the financial fees for ratification.
  • Then complete the steps of the certification request.

Electronic attestation of the Chamber of Commerce (Makkah Chamber)

The Chamber of Commerce of the Holy City of Makkah provides its subscribers with the performance of many services in an electronic way, which are represented in authentication services, permits, certificates, inquiring about the subscriber’s membership number in the Chamber, renewing the Chamber of Commerce’s subscription, in addition to authenticating documents electronically, which you can do by following Next steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Makkah City Chamber of Commerce on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (the Makkah Chamber of Commerce).
  • From the main page, click on the (electronic certification) icon.
  • Then log in to the user account by entering the user name, password, and the visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • In the event that you do not have an account, you can create a new account by clicking on (New User) and creating an account with ease.
  • From the services available to you, click on (Authentication Services).
  • Then follow the successive steps and enter the required data correctly.
  • Qassam pays the financial fees for ratification.
  • Then complete the steps of the certification request.
  • Finally, click on the (Confirm) button to confirm your order.

Electronic attestation of the Chamber of Commerce (Abha Chamber)

The Chamber of Commerce in the Holy City of Makkah provides its subscribers with the performance of many services in an electronic way, which are represented in authentication services, permits, certificates, inquiring about the subscriber’s membership number in the Chamber, renewing the Chamber of Commerce’s subscription, in addition to authenticating documents electronically, which you can do by following Next steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Abha City Chamber of Commerce on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Abha Chamber of Commerce).
  • From the main page, click on the (electronic certification) icon.
  • Then log in to the user account by entering the user name, password, and the visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • In the event that you do not have an account, you can create a new account by clicking on (New User) and creating an account with ease.
  • Then click on the (here) button to access the service directly.
  • Then follow the successive steps and enter the required data correctly.
  • Qassam pays the financial fees for ratification.
  • Then complete the steps of the certification request.
  • Finally, click on the (Confirm) button to confirm your order.

Approval of the approval of the Chamber of Commerce

Usually, all applications and transactions submitted for certification are approved by the owners of establishments who have adhered to the conditions of affiliation and certification set by the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce. However, there may be some cases in which certification is refused for reasons explained by the Commission in the following cases that are rejected:

  • Visiting letters signed by foreign persons.
  • Contracts for establishing new companies and establishments.
  • All documents issued by governmental or judicial authorities.
  • Contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate.
  • Documents for bringing in foreign workers by unauthorized offices.
  • The documents or letters bearing the stamp on them should be photocopied or copied.
  • The difference in the content of the data contained in the letter and what is in the Chamber of Commerce.
  • The authorization that was signed by the beneficial owner in the letter.
  • Failure to comply with the instructions to be approved by the Chamber of Commerce.

Financial fees required for Chamber of Commerce certification

The beneficiaries of the services of the Saudi Chambers of Commerce pay some of the financial fees determined by the executive regulations in accordance with the system of the Chambers of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which are as follows:

  • The fees for attestation are divided into three categories, depending on the type of establishment, workplace, and many other factors, which are divided as follows:
  • The premium category for major institutions… A sum of ten thousand Saudi riyals is to be paid.
  • Other categories pay an amount of five thousand Saudi riyals the first time.
  • Then the other categories pay an amount of two thousand Saudi riyals the second time.
  • The amount drops to 800 Saudi riyals only the third time.
  • So that the specified amount will be settled at 300 Saudi riyals in all future times.
  • The fees for attesting certificates, letters, and papers are estimated at twenty-five Saudi riyals for paper certification, and in the case of electronic certification, another ten Saudi riyals are added.

In this way, we have shown you all the details related to the electronic Chamber of Commerce certification method, the terms of affiliation with it, the official papers and documents that must be available, and for more inquiries, follow us on the information store website.