Interpretation of the dream of seeing kissing the dead in a dream refers to a number of meanings and interpretations in the life of the seer, and seeing the dead in a dream is one of the repeated dreams that a person sees in his dream in different cases. He also sees him and he accepts it, and each dream has its interpretation that suits him, and we present the different interpretations of that dream and the meanings it indicates.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a dead person kissing in a dream

Seeing the dead in a dream while kissing the dreamer indicates a number of matters and meanings in the life of the seer, which can be identified as follows:

  • If the dreamer sees in a dream that the deceased is kissing him, the dream may mean that the deceased needs supplication from the dreamer and charity from the living.
  • The dream also may indicate that the deceased has debts that need someone to pay it off on his behalf so that he may rest in his grave.
  • If a single young man sees a dream in a dream, then it is evidence that he will marry soon, his wealth will increase and his livelihood will expand in reality.
  • The patient’s dream of kissing the dead in a dream may indicate an increase in illness, delayed recovery, or the death of the seer.
  • If the dreamer is close to the deceased and sees that he kisses him in a dream, the dream may refer to money that the dreamer obtains from the family of the deceased, whether by a will or a working relationship with his family and his consequence.
  • The dream often refers to knowledge that the dreamer will benefit from from the dead, if he is of righteousness and religion.
  • If the dreamer sees his father in a dream and he kisses him, then it is evidence of money and sustenance that the dreamer will receive in the near future, and if the mother kisses the dreamer in a dream, it indicates achieving the desired and achieving success in life.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a dead person kissing in a dream for a single woman

If a single girl sees a dream about kissing a dead person in a dream, then it indicates a number of meanings and interpretations in the girl’s life, which can be presented and expanded as follows:

  • If a single woman sees in a dream that she is kissing her dead father, then this indicates her feeling of loneliness and lack of support and help in life.
  • Seeing a single woman kissing her dead mother in a dream indicates her feeling of emotional dryness and her need for love and tenderness in her life.
  • Kissing the dead for a single girl may indicate that she will marry soon and be associated with a good person who will be a reason for her happiness.
  • The dead that the single woman does not know if she sees that he accepts her in the manan is evidence of achieving success in life and reaching the goals and ambitions that the girl desires.
  • A girl who is still of school age, if she sees a dead person she knows and he kisses her, then this is evidence of scientific excellence and obtaining excellence and high grades.
  • The dream sometimes indicates hearing good news and entering pleasure and joy into the girl’s life.
  • Seeing a dead friend kissing a girl in a dream indicates the girl’s multiplicity of relationships with those around her and success on the social level.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a dead woman kissing a married woman in a dream

If a married woman sees in a dream that the deceased is kissing her or that she is kissing the dead, then the dream indicates the following meanings and interpretations:

  • A married woman kissing a dead person in a dream indicates that she misses that dead person and feels lonely after leaving him.
  • Kissing a married mother or father in a dream is evidence of a woman’s love for her family and her frequent supplications and seeking forgiveness for them.
  • If a married woman sees that her parents or one of them is the one who accepts her, then this is evidence that they need to pray from her and give alms.
  • A dream about kissing the dead in a married woman’s dream is often evidence of psychological comfort and the wife’s good relationship with her husband.
  • A married woman if her son or husband is sick and her mother sees him kissing him in a dream, then this is evidence of a near recovery and deliverance from the illness.
  • If a woman sees that she is kissing the hand of the dead person in a dream, then this is evidence that the woman is getting money from that dead person or from his family and son.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a dead person kissing in a dream for a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman sees a dream in a dream, then it indicates a number of the following meanings and interpretations in the life of the pregnant woman:

  • Kissing the dead in a dream for a pregnant woman is often a sign of goodness and blessing in the life of a woman and her family.
  • If a pregnant woman sees her dead mother kissing her in a dream, then this is evidence of easy childbirth and the lack of suffering in pregnancy.
  • A pregnant woman seeing her father kissing her in a dream indicates the stability of the relationship with the husband and the lack of disputes with him over the truth.
  • Kissing the dead in a dream for a pregnant woman on her stomach indicates the health of the fetus and the absence of disease or illness.
  • If a pregnant woman sees that the deceased is kissing her husband, then this is evidence of wealth and extensive sustenance that the husband will obtain in his lifetime.
  • A pregnant woman kissing the deceased in a dream indicates the religion in the woman’s life and concern for the afterlife in her life and the lives of her children.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a dead man kissing in a dream for a man

A man who sees a dream about kissing a dead person in a dream indicates the following meanings and connotations in the life of the seer:

  • Kissing the dead man in a dream is a sign of goodness and a blessing that the dreamer will obtain in the reality of his life.
  • The dream also often refers to paying off debts and getting rid of worries and anxieties in the dreamer’s life and reality.
  • Seeing the dreamer kissing the dead person in a dream indicates the achievement of goals and the dreamer’s realization of his plans of hopes and ambitions.
  • Kissing from the living to the dead if it is without desire, then it is evidence of the knowledge and knowledge that the dreamer obtains from that dead if he is from the people of religion and righteousness.
  • A dream in a dream indicates the dreamer’s good manners and his relationship with those around him.

Interpretation of a dream about kissing the dead by Ibn Sirin

Imam Ibn Sirin believes that kissing the dead in a dream indicates a number of the following meanings and interpretations:

  • If the dreamer sees that he is kissing the dead and he does not know him, then this is a sign of money and sustenance that the dreamer obtains from an unexpected place and is not appreciated for him.
  • Seeing kissing the dead in a dream, and the dreamer knew him, is evidence that the seer benefits from him with money or knowledge, or that the seer obtains from his children money that enters with them in trade.
  • If the dreamer sees the deceased kissing and embracing him, this may be the longevity of the dreamer and his enjoyment of health and wellness.
  • The dreamer’s vision of the dead while he greets him in a dream is evidence of a good conclusion and the good position of the deceased in the Hereafter.
  • The dreamer’s vision of the dead person taking his hand and giving him something is evidence of money that the dreamer gets from a place where he thinks that good will not be obtained from his side.

Interpretation of a dream about kissing the dead for Nabulsi

Imam Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi, if he sees a dream in a dream, then it indicates the following interpretations and interpretations in the dreamer’s life:

  • Kissing the living person in a dream is a sign of victory over the enemies, victory over them, and salvation from their plots.
  • Seeing a dream in a dream often indicates achieving the desired, achieving goals and obtaining wishes.
  • The dead person’s embrace of the dreamer and he was showing signs of people and happiness is evidence of the good position of the dead in his grave and the good ending for him.
  • The dream may refer to the knowledge and benefit that the dreamer obtains from the dead or his family.
  • Kissing the dead with lust in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is seeking in a matter and informs him of what he wants and plans for it in reality.
  • If the dreamer sees that he is embracing the dead, his life will be prolonged, and if he sees the dead one who accepts him and does not leave him, then it is evidence that the dreamer’s term has expired and his death.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about kissing the dead by Ibn Shaheen

Imam Ibn Shaheen Al-Zahiri believes that seeing the dead person kissing in a dream indicates the following meanings and interpretations in the dreamer’s life:

  • Kissing the dead to the sleeper is evidence of the good and the vast benefit that the seer obtains in his life, and the dead is a reason for that.
  • The dream may indicate that the dreamer will receive it better than the aftermath of the dead and his family.
  • Seeing a dream in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is traveling far and away from his family and wife.
  • If the dreamer sees that one of the scholars kisses him in a dream, then this indicates the knowledge that the dreamer will gain from him or the spread of the knowledge of that dead person through that dreamer.

Interpretation of a dream about a dead husband kissing his wife

If a married woman sees her dead husband kissing her in a dream, then the dream indicates the following interpretations in a woman’s life:

  • If a dead husband kisses his wife’s hand in a dream, then this is evidence that she is taking care of his children and is striving to achieve their success and high status.
  • Kissing the wife’s cheek in a dream indicates the dreamer’s good standing in the afterlife and comfort in the grave and the isthmus.
  • Seeing a husband in a dream kissing his wife indicates the end of anguish and getting rid of worry and sadness in a woman’s life.

Interpretation of a dream about kissing the hand of a dead person in a dream

The dreamer may see in a dream that he kisses the hand of the dead in a dream, and it is one of the dreams that often refer to good and commendable meanings in the life of the seer. The most important of these interpretations can be identified as follows:

  • The dreamer kissing the hand of the dead person in a dream is a sign of goodness, abundance and sustenance in the dreamer’s life.
  • If the dreamer sees the dead who is kissing his hand in a dream, then this is evidence of the misery of the dead and his need for supplication, forgiveness, and charity from the living.
  • The dreamer’s kissing the hand of the righteous and pious deceased is evidence of following his path, imitating him, and acting upon his deeds in reality.
  • If the dreamer kisses the hand of the dead in a dream and smells a fragrant scent from it, then this is evidence of the dead person’s position in the Hereafter and the bliss that it contains.
  • If the single woman sees a dead person she knows while he kisses her hand, then the dream refers to the money that the girl gets in her life and the vast good in the coming days.

Interpretation of a dream about kissing a mother’s hand in a dream

Seeing a mother in a dream and kissing her hand is one of the dreams that brings happiness and joy to the psyche of the seer. The most prominent interpretations of that dream can be identified as follows:

  • If the dreamer in a dream kisses the hand of his dead mother, then this is a sign of happiness, the disclosure of distress, and the abundance of good deeds in the dreamer’s life.
  • Seeing the mother smiling and happy in a dream is evidence of the psychological comfort that the viewer feels in his life, stability and tranquility in it.
  • If the dreamer sees that he kisses his mother’s hand in a dream and she is old and seems tired and tired, then this is a sign of her need to pray and seek forgiveness from her son.

Interpretation of a dream about kissing the head of the dead

If the dreamer sees that he kisses the head of the dead, then he refers to the following interpretations in the life of the dreamer:

  • The dreamer’s vision of himself kissing the head of a dead child from his family is evidence of good relations with parents and acquaintances and the end of strife and disagreements in the family.
  • If the dreamer sees that he kisses the head of his dead brother, then this is evidence of gratitude and a feeling of appreciation for that brother and what he gave him.
  • A dream in a dream indicates the goodness and blessing that the dreamer will enjoy in his life and his coming days.
  • Kissing the head of the dead person in a dream is evidence that the dreamer has achieved what he wanted to accomplish in a matter that he was striving for and exerting effort and hardship.
  • If the patient sees that he kisses the dead on his head, then this is evidence of the approaching recovery and wellness of the dreamer.

See also:

Interpretation of a dream about kissing a dead person from his mouth in a dream

Seeing kissing a dead person from the mouth in a dream indicates the following possible interpretations in the dreamer’s life:

  • Kissing a dead person from his mouth in a dream indicates a change of conditions for the better and the dreamer moving from one condition to another.
  • Dreaming in a dream often is evidence of getting rid of competitors and escaping from the plots of the enemies on the truth.
  • If the dreamer kisses the dead in a dream and the dead person gives him a gift or a gift, evidence of success and success in the dreamer’s life and the comfort that he feels in the reality of his life.

Interpretation of the dream of peace on the dead by hand

Seeing the dreamer in a dream that he greets the dead by hand indicates a number of the following meanings and interpretations in the dreamer’s life as follows:

  • Handing the dead over to the living by hand in a dream indicates the good relationship that brought them together in reality and the longing of the dreamer for him in reality.
  • If the dreamer is afraid of the dead and peace be upon him, the dream may indicate an ordeal and calamity that will afflict the dreamer in his life.
  • The righteous dead person, who is religious, if he greets the seer and shakes hands with him, then the dream indicates religion, piety and righteousness.
  • Peace be upon the dead with longing, indicating the fulfillment of wishes and the dreamer achieving what he desires of ambition and dreams.

We got acquainted with the interpretation of the dream of seeing kissing the dead in a dream for single women, married women and pregnant women. We also learned about the interpretation of the dream by Imam Nabulsi, Ibn Shaheen and Ibn Sirin, as well as the dream of kissing the dead from his mouth, kissing him on the head and kissing his hand, and the dream of kissing the mother’s hand and the husband kissing his wife.